Scopriamo un membro del nostro team di Inglese: la nostra traduttrice Kathy!

Uno dei punti di forza della nostra agenzia è la collaborazione con i nostri professionisti che lavorano con noi da anni, cogliamo l’occasione per presentarveli: oggi è la volta Kathy traduttrice madrelingua inglese!

I can hardly remember the time before I joined Ara Congressi’s team of translators, as 20 years have passed!
Although I studied Oriental languages at university in England and in the Far East, Italian has always been my favourite, which is why I chose to move to Italy.
Translating a source text is a challenge I relish. I enjoy transmitting the author’s message so that readers never feel they’re being subjected to a translation but rather that the version in English is a faithful, well-written rendering of the aim and content of the original text. Whilst this can be very time-consuming at times, it’s nevertheless rewarding.
I also enjoy the variety of my work, which ranges from technical/scientific reports to tourism website content. Translating is never monotonous!

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